Our compliance platform covers information security and business ethics. We have policies and processes that include Anti-Bribery and Corruption, Anti-Slavery, and an Ethics policy, and we ask our suppliers to conform to our Third-Party Supplier Code of Conduct policy.
In all our geographies, we operate in a fair and honest manner and comply with all applicable legislation. We have high ethical standards in all our activities, observe and protect the rights of our Employees, and follow the principles of integrity and transparency in connection with all our business partners (including customers, temporary contracting staff, suppliers, and other trusted third parties).

We operate an active Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking policy that supports UK and international laws. Based on the Modern Slavery Act 2015, our policy confirms our position that modern slavery is a crime and a violation of human rights. Sanctions for breaches of this policy (including our supply chain partners) are also defined, as is responsibility for the policy and any review and maintenance.
As with Anti-Slavery, we operate an active Anti-Bribery and Corruption policy that covers anyone working for or on behalf of Fusion GBS. The policy covers solicitation of payments to conduct business, gifts, hospitality, and expenses associated with facilitating business, as well as other areas. A key part of the policy details how to raise concerns and other responsibilities for individuals.

We work closely with all our suppliers to ensure that we meet our obligations for a secure and compliant supply chain. We assess risks associated with the data processing of our suppliers, and regularly review supplier confidentiality and technical security to ensure the needs of our customers are met, and our compliance with standards and laws is maintained. Our Third-Party Supplier Management policy also includes a Supplier Code of Conduct that is regularly monitored.