Fusion GBS: Legal Disclosure


Head office: Fusion Business Solutions (DE) GmbH | Claudius-Keller-Straße 3b | 81669 Munich
Tel. +49(0) 89/41617657-0 | Fax +49(0) 89/41617657-9

Office: Fusion Business Solutions (DE) GmbH | Ahornweg 8 | 64569 Nauheim | Tel. +49(0) 6152/9614888 | Fax +49(0) 6152/9614889

Managing Director: Cornelia Kunz
Authorised signatory: John Mohan
Munich District Court HRB 241634
Sales tax identification number according to § 27a sales tax law: DE255404876

Third Party Liability Insurance: Hiscox Insurance Company Limited | 1 Great St Helen's | London EC3A 6HX | United Kingdom

Concordia Insurance Company a.G. | Karl-Wiechert-Allee 55 | 30625 Hanover | Germany

Responsible for the content according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV:
Fusion Business Solutions (DE) GmbH | Claudius-Keller-Straße 3b | 81669 Munich


No guarantee or liability can be assumed for the information on this website, in particular for its correctness, completeness, timeliness or availability at all times.

Any liability for damages resulting from the use of the retrieved information is excluded to the extent permitted by law.

The website also contains links or references to other websites. Fusion Business Solutions (DE) GmbH is not responsible for the content of these other websites, dissociates itself from them and does not adopt this content as its own. Fusion Business Solutions (DE) GmbH reserves the right to add, change or remove the information provided without prior notice.

United Kingdom

Registered Company: Fusion Business Solutions (UK) Ltd
Company number: 03508523
Registered address: 55 Stains Road West | Sunbury-on-Thames TW16 7AH | United Kingdom

Postal Address: Fusion Business Solutions (UK) Ltd
Aldwych House | 71 – 91 Aldwych| Greater London| Middlesex WC2B 4HN| United Kingdom

Tel. +44 208 814 4888

United States

Fusion Business Solutions Incorporated
54 West 40th Street | New York | NY 10018 | United States

Tel. +1 844 456 1342


Fusion Business Solutions Iberia, SLU

Avenida de Europa 19, Cowoorking LooM Ática, Edif. 3 Planta 2ª Pozuelo de Alarcón – 28224 MADRID

Email: [email protected]

NIF: B-84315373

Tel: +34 96 119 9620


Fusion Business Solutions Netherlands

Foreign Legal Entity: Fusion Business Solutions (DE) GmbH, Posthoornstraat 11 3011WD Rotterdam.

Tel: +49 89 416 176 570

E-mail: [email protected]

KvK: RSIN 77099850

Btw/VAT-ID: NL860900174B01